Fire Blankets - Your Ultimate Equipment For Fighting Incipient Fires

Safety and health in the workplace involves educating employees on fire prevention. But there's one aspect of fire prevention that more often than not, fails to get mentioned at most fire safety trainings. Teaching how to use a fire extinguisher should be included in your next fire safety training. Like most safety and health trainings, be sure to include other background and underlying information of fire basics in addition to these so students will understand why extinguishers do what they do. Here are two fire extinguishing categories to teach; Fuel Classifications and Types of Extinguishers.

Löschdecken kaufen work on the principle of breaking the air supply from the fire and thus preventing it from spreading to other places. They cloak the fire and thus prevent more oxygen from getting to the fire and thus extinguish the flames. The best advantage of fire blankets is that they can extinguish many types of fires, even those that cannot be extinguished by water. Generally, fire blankets are used to put out fire that is small and has just started.

However, if you are someone who is designated as a part of a Large fire blanket brigade and if you have been trained for it, you can assess the situation to see if one, the fire is something that you can handle and two, if you have the right extinguisher to the job.

Our journey begins in the house. Imagine your home (or ideal home), it is a warm, comfortable, beautiful place where people do not wear clothes but just wrap themselves in blankets and comforters. Your enormous TV shows football/cartoons/Rock of Love all day. You have 3 taps at your sink, one for water, one for microbrew beer and one for fine wine. Now imagine your surprise when you enter a world where all the wiring is faulty.

If you are Extinguishing ceilings fond of using scented candles inside your home make sure you snuff them out before going to bed. And don't put them near curtains and blankets too. Most fires have been the result of curtains and blankets catching fire from a lighted candle. Also, never leave matches and lighters and candles in places where your toddlers can easily reach and play with them. You know what I mean.

First Aid Booklet - An easy to read first aid booklet is imperative in all first aid kits for camping to assure you know what to do or how to treat a medical situation.

Car Survival Kit- Since we take our cars everywhere, place one in each family members car. You will always be prepared. Store 3-day Food Bar, Sterile Water Pouches, Medical, Warmth (thermal blanket) & Lightsticks and flashlight in your kit.

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